This page carries news of the village and updates to the website.
7th Feb 2023
The running of the website is now done by Stephen Golding
ABCA has announced the re-opening of the Parish Rooms on the 17th of May 2021. ABCA’s AGM will be held via a ZOOM meeting on the 19th of May 2021, at 7.30pm. See the ABCA page for more information and for the Trustees Report.
During the present floods in Acton Bridge and its surrounding area, you might like to see these pages from "Snapshots In Time" showing the floods from February 1946.

There are some updates from ABCA regarding the Parish Rooms and Covid-19 documentation on the ABCA Homepage.
The Summer 2020 Acton Bridge Newsletter, edited by Keira Egerton, is now online, and can be downloaded on our Newsletter Page.
Acton Bridge has its own Facebook page - search for "Acton Bridge Village" or click here to join in.
You can also find news of forthcoming events in Acton Bridge on the Community Association and Women's Institute pages.